February 10, 2010

Cutaneous Mucinosis

I just found out Chloe has cutaneous mucinosis. I saw the spot on her leg and investigated, she has the bubbles on her legs and neck. The two front legs seem to be the only ones that are opening. I've included a video of Chloe and shows a close up of the affected areas. Also I've included some links with info on CM.

(oh and that burp in the middle of the video ... that was Rinaldo, what a pig eh! LOL)

Dr Vidt has a lot of info on it HERE

and this website seem to have some good info HERE


The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

oh my god por Chloe!! is it itchy??? that looks terrible!!

Jenni said...

My Shar Pei, Tinker Bell, also has cutaneos mucinosis. She is almost 5, so I am praying the outgrowing by age 5 holds true. She has been on a couple of different steroids and they always have a temporary positive result. The prednizone caused her to have accidents in the house. But, the condition bugs me more than her. She could care less!