February 23, 2010


Well ... the one dog out of three that I never ever expected to have entropion is Rinaldo, and bingo ... that's who has it.

He now needs to have surgery on his lower eyelid to fix it. Chloe has had the surgery before ... Pickles has wide open and clear eyes and has never had a problem with them, knock on wood.

So again, I have to postpone Pickles' leg surgery to pay for this $400 eye surgery. After spending between $800-900 in the past month and a half on Rinaldo's damn eye problems.

So right now his entropion surgery is tentatively scheduled for March 1st. Myself being unemployed & on EI ... he sure did pick the best time eh! ... not. Oh well, what can you do ... maybe the Shar Pei are rubbing off on Rinaldo and that's why his lower eyelid rolled in LOL!!

Here is a video of smarty pants Rinaldo "speaking". He is so smart :)


The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

BAH!!! is that my Rinaldo!!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!! he is so BIG!!!! last time i saw him he was still a puppy! is he still a cuddle muffin?? he looks huge!!!what a good boy!

come work for the county again!

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

holy cow! 80 pounds! a big boy! i don't know if there is jobs, but they should make one for you

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

holy cow! 80 pounds! a big boy! i don't know if there is jobs, but they should make one for you

Life With Dogs said...

Damn am I sorry to hear this. As one who has suffered through about 50k worth of vet bills, I truly sympathize...