April 5, 2009

Seymor is settling in ...

The new foster, Seymor, is settling in very nicely.

He is a very happy boy, almost always wagging his tail!

I thought I'd share some new pictures of the whole crew.


Chloe and Libby said...

Melissa, I love the one of Pickles sitting there in the house by himself. How adorable!

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

hahaha! is Rinaldo feeling a little embarassed about his sleek non-wrinkled coat in the first pic???

DogsDeserveFreedom said...

PS - I wanted to pop by and thank you for coming by my blog in March! I hope to hear from you again in April.


Honey said...

You all look so very cute! Looks like you have a great family and place to play!!
Cheers, Honey (13 yo golden, SF Bay Area)